Career Blog
Thoughts and musings about working at Randy's Electric
It's not a phrase that we throw around lightly—being a blessing is deeply rooted in the fabric of our entire company.
At Randy's Electric, "Be a Blessing" is not just a feel-good phrase that we throw around—it's at the very core of who we are.
Last year, we served over 8,500+ customers... that means there were 8,500+ opportunities to meet our customers where they are at and go above and beyond for them. For those we serve, we know there are plenty of stressors that they face in their life—we want to be sure that we are not one of them. Not only do we strive to be a blessing for the customers we serve, we also want to be a blessing to each other and the community at large.
Yes, we are a for-profit company. However, our main drive isn't just to make revenue, it's to use that revenue to give back to our community and world at large. Because of the profit that we make, we use it to give to non-profits, causes and the communities that we live and work in every day.
So if you are searching for electrician jobs near me, consider hanging your hat on Randy's Electric so that we can continue being a blessing to those who we serve.
Thoughts and musings about working at Randy's Electric
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